Friday, August 7, 2009

Vacations and such.

Vacations has come and gone. It is now just a memory. No longer something that seems tangible. We have about 358 days until we embark on this journey yet again. It's a journey I love, and will do over, and over, and over again. This year was a bit different for me. I was driving to meet up with my family alone. It was something I was thrilled about! Well, I managed to get out a day earlier than I had thought. I left as early as possible. Hit the gas station, Starbucks, which I have went 4 weeks and 4 days without until that point. and got on 75 North. I knew to stay on that until Atlanta. I had my "trusty" GPS, and was Tennessee bound. Cd's stacked and ready to be played in order, only until I ran out of radio stations. I made it to Atlanta before I had any issues. Than, My GPS freaked. When I say freaked. I mean, it FREAKED. All it would say is "recalculating." After hearing that about twenty-seven times, I picked up the phone to call my parents, to realize they were on the other side of the mountain and had NO phone service. I couldn't reach them. So, finally my GPS got back on "track" and said my arrival time would be about 15 minutes longer than going straight down 75. So, at this point I am on 515 N. I finally convinced myself I had seen these signs before, and I was on the right route. Finally my parents got service and called to check on me. I explained to my dad what happened, and he was like wait, pull over. So, I did, and he was like okay, just stay on this and you will get here. Well, my GPS lead me to a clay, YES, a CLAY road. Now, I am no where near Tennessee, and I knew I was still in GA. My arrival time keeps changing as well as my route. So, I finally found a gas station to find out where the heck I was. Which happened to be Jasper GA. 156 miles AWAY from Gatlinburg. I lost it. I just felt so scared!!!!! I don't think I have ever felt so alone as I did at that point. Anyways. After almost 3 hours of trying to locate me. My father found me. Alone the road side in Jasper GA. On HWY 60 to be exact. So, We finally went back to get my family whom was sitting near a creek in Cherokee. They were dancing along the road side as I drove up to them. I don't think I have ever been so happy to see my daddy as I was at the moment I saw him on the road!!!!
The rest of the trip was rainy! But, We still had the best of times! We went to the highest point in the east, and I wasn't going to do it because one, it was 52 degrees. I was in a skirt and flip flops. Oh, and I would be hiking 1/2 a mile up and back. So I went about 5 steps and was like forget this. My skirt is blowing and my shoes and feet are wet. So I told my family to go ahead. I then decided I wanted to do it. I took my time. and man, let me tell you. 10,000 ft is a lot harder to breathe in!!!!! But, I made it and went to the top! It was awesome. We did river jumping, and rock climbing. It was awesome!!!!!! I cant believe how fearless I was at times!
We were on another hike. One, I didn't finish for the main reason I was at my limit, and my shoes were once again flip flops. Hey. I am a Florida girl. Anyways on my way back down I was a momma bear, and her 3 cubs. Then as I was sitting in my car I saw ANOTHER bear. I saw 5 bears!!! The one was 10ft away from me at one point. He then tried to climb into the back of our car, Bailie got the door pulled down in time. It was CRAZY. But AMAZING. To see free wildlife just walking as they pleased. Well, it was a little scary... knowing they could out run me and were bigger than me. Anyways vacation was awesome, and life back home has been a little different. Like not in a bad way. I am just facing some health issues, and I am taking them under control, and getting everything back to the way they are suppose to be. Its like I am pulling teeth at times with myself. But I will over come this. My job situation is hard. But I have a job. To that I am thankful. My nephews are my joy, and I adore them. My sisters keep me going. My parents are my rock. I am in awe with my family. I know I am hard at times to be with... I know. Trust me! But. I am working on it. Trying to change... never easy, but doable.
Here are a few pictures from vacation.
Oh. Tonight I made egg rolls... Yes. MADE them. they turned out amazing for a first timer. My dad LOVED them. I thought they were adorable, and want to go work where all I do is make egg rolls all day. Not even kidding. :)
Life is good. I am blessed. and and Thankful.
wishing you enough.

Monday, July 20, 2009

One Night.

Well, my current time is 11:57 PM.
I have finally walked through the door of my cozy home. Where my family is sleeping so peacefully. The house is still, and the only noise I hear: my typing fingers, and a fan.
I am sitting here waiting for my dinner to cook. Yes, I am aware that, it is now: 12 am. I had to work all night, and due to a power failure for almost three hours I did not sit, eat, nor drink. the entire shift.
I made it, I lived, it was all good.
All in all, I just wanted to share this quote:
"As always, I hope to grow brighter, funnier,
I hope to learn to be even more well-rounded,
But for now, I cannot be any better than I am."
Maya Angelou

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hello My few faithful readers,
I am sorry, my faithfulness to my blogging hasn't been to great! I've been busy working, but, I am vowing now, to become better! I've actually, been doing a lot of "soul searching" or just looking into myself, and looking for ways to become a better me, improve myself, and so on. I've started taking these steps, and I call it, my fearless living step. I must do one a day, and then I move it up to two and so on, until I am doing these without even realizing or forcing myself daily. Some days it is as small as painting my nails some funky color that I normally wouldnt be found dead in. However, I've not done that one. But, they are as simple as that, or they are harder and cause a little more emotion to rise. Some are allowing others to have the freedom to take a photo and post it as they please, sometimes, that a bit hard, because I mean we all have those embarrassing photos we don't ever want a soul to see. But, anyways. I am working on living a free, and fearless life. I've always started applying some very strict, hard core rules to my life. I am just working on bettering myself all around! Maintaining a positive attitude no matter how hard it might be. Okay enough on all that. :) Yesterday, I got to go and see my best friend! We've been best buddies since we were like 9 or something. We've been through a lot together, and yet, she is still one my bestest buds! I know no matter what I can call her and just freak out. She gets me like no other. We just have that understanding. Anyways, she is a mommy now, and a wife, and its so much fun to watch her in these roles, and just to see how we've grown into such different people, yet, we're still best friends we can rely on, and all. Jodi currently lives in MO, and I am here in Florida... Which, is hard at times, but, we never miss a moment to get together when she is here! Yesterday, was filled with much laughter, and just playing with the kids, and a random comment about something that happen when we were growing up. We have the best stories, and when we are telling them, we are laughing so hard we're the only ones who know what we are really saying. I am not sure what is funnier, us laughing so hard, or what happened... I didn't realize until I was on my way home how much I miss my friends, and how I could just up and move to be closer to them! I wanted to cry on my way because I miss that type of friendship! I am so thankful for my friends here, but, there is nothing like the ones you've grown up with, and have all these memories. Who knows you better than anyone else! There's nothing like it! I did okay, until I was in the car alone, then I was fighting the almost uncontrollable sob that laid so deep with in me. I told myself to just hold out. It was just an awesome visit, and my laughs were so much! I haven't laughed that hard and that much in so long! It was so awesome, and I just sit here and feel like a little kid that's waited for Christmas all year. It came and went! My family is getting ready for our family trip! We are thrilled! I wont be joining them for more than 3 days. But, I plan to make those three days full of adventure, and discovery. I can't wait to be riding with the windows down, music blasting with those Smokies in view. It will be the greatest yet. Well, I think I've typed enough... Sorry for the long delay in blogs. I will get better! Wishing you enough!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wait... MAY?!?!

Well, as I sit here and write, I am still trying to process just how we can be in May... I mean, month five of the year. Really, I don't think I've accomplished anything other than my grad school application. This year is going so much faster than I ever thought! Life has been busy, and mainly it is filled with work and trips to Tampa, or Tallahassee, where a lot of my time is spent these days. :) I am longing for vacation! I went out and got my sisters and I matching tie dye flip flops they are the coolest things I've ever seen in my life!
Speaking of life... I've got a lot changes going on. All good. I know where I am going... It's just the process to get there, is working on me. But, I am trusting the process.
I am also working on planning my sisters baby shower. It's a girl! We are so excited!! They are currently living with us, because they are working on getting a house. I love waking up the morning and having them here. Joshie is talking like crazy! He's developed this little stutter over the last week. It's like his little brain is going so fast for his little mouth. He's adorable, and tells me all the time, "i love you" in his little words. If you get an I love you, it's amazing! He's just too cute, and sweet. He loves his "buddy" as he calls Landen. Landen is walking all over, right now he has this walk like a monster, it's so cute. He started saying my name today. We were in Target and He looked at me, and just said, " Nana, Nana." and I was like awww my little buddy. Both the boys are amazing. I just love them more than words can ever say. It's like when I look at them or get them in my arms , my heart swells. I cant put it in any other term. My heart just swells. We go on walks, and play, and just do simple things, yet, they mean so much more than anything. I am trying to brace the day they wont be here when I wake up and go to sleep at night. It's not a fun thought. I love them being here. :) Chas and Joe are doing well too. Chas is thrilled about a girl, and we've been shopping so many times! Joe is just as excited, and laughs at us, everytime we come home with a new little dress. Megan is graduating high school in 22 days. She can't wait! I can't believe how much she is growing, changing, and just becoming a little lady. She's had photos published in a few magazines, shes thrilled! Danielle is doing well, and ready for summer. That child is just like me. It's freaky! I adore her. She makes me laugh, and sings to me everymoment she gets. I am so blessed.
Everyone is doing well, and changing and it's fun to see how all of our lives are taking shape and we're all family, yet becoming our own person. It's been a fun journey... and it's not near finished, but it's been fun along the way.
Right now thats all I have... It's late. I promise to write more... It's just my time is so little. :) But I will make more time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Purely Random.

I've been sitting here for sometime trying to come up with a good blog. But, there's nothing. I'm sitting here listening to music, and pretending to be offline so that I can't talk to a single soul. My mental space to carry a conversation right now is... well, let's put it as simple as possible... Not there. I've been working more hours than I am spending time at home.
I'm starting to feel it in almost every area in my body. I need a play day.
To those who are reading this, and are waiting on a phone call back from me, I'm sorry. I will get to it. I promise. Life right now, is just lacking when it comes to social gatherings, rather it is by phone or person. I'm not putting you off, nor am I avoiding you. Please... Please, understand that I'm just super busy.
I've decided to go back to school in the Summer. It was a big choice, but I've got a lot I want to accomplish and I feel, that by me getting my masters, it would be great chance for me to accomplish all it is I need to in life. I'm not looking forward to going back to the homework life. I'm thrilled to get back to learning. I love sitting in class and learning all I can. I think something is wrong with me...
I've had this longing to just sit and write for sometime now. I've not had a chance to do so. And now that I have the moment in time, I'm not feeling so creative. I am planning on entering a few of my things to Starbucks. Their "The Way I see it" on their hot beverage cups is what I am aiming for. There are a few things I've got going on in this head of mine.
I'm trying to figure so many things out right now. From one day to the next I'm lost and somewhat confused. I want to do one thing, but then theres the money factor. Then I want to do something else, and life happens. I'm learning to not tell people what you're doing until the moment you're planning to do it. Because So often it doesn't go through. Then you have to go back and it just creates issues, and all that. Anyways. I'm starting to make time each day to write in my journal. My creative writing journal. Some pieces are better than others, and others will never be seen by other eyes. Others, I've thought about publishing. One of my favorite writing pieces is:
Man on the Moon.
I looked at the man on the moon
Wondering what I was really going to do.
I sat there, he said, nothing.
The man on the moon reached down for me.
I took hold of his hand
The ground I was on was unknown, But then, it felt known.
He smiled and whispered sweet melodies in my ear.
Later, just before the sun rose
He sent me back to earth.
Only He sent me back without a trace
Of reality…leading me to believe it was a dream.
Perhaps it was a dream. Perhaps it was reality.
Maybe just maybe it was my dreams.

And that my friends... brings me to a close. I'm going to read some more of Twilight. I cant put it down for long. It is that good.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year all!

Things are going well... I'm still job hunting and trying my best to get into another country. :)

I will update more when there's a little more time...
Just think about this. It's become my new favorite quote.

"When you can live forever, whats the one thing you live for?"