Thursday, August 28, 2008

Painting half done.

I am continually working on improving myself. Since graduation has happened, I've found out, I don't like not writing papers... I miss it a lot, and I know when classes for my friends start back next week, I am going to be, super crazy, and wanting to be there. It will prove to be interesting. I pulled out my senior paper last night, graduation is depended upon that paper. As I wrote that paper, I realized how much I had grown and as one of my professors (Sweet Ms. Hudson) is always telling me: "you're still learning to trust the process, and you are still becoming my best self." Because as I have learned when becoming your best self, you are giving into the process of change, and learning how to make the most out of life, and yourself. Because without change there can be no growth, and without growth becoming your best self is nearly, if not impossible. Anyways, so, as I am learning to just relax and trust the process right now, I realize I am growing, and while change and growth are not always comfortable, it is a requirement to really live life. So often, for me I have noticed that when change inside is occurring that is when I want to pull away, or go "home" wherever home may be. I fear the change, for whatever reason. But, I am learning to trust it and make me into a better human being. As hard as it might be... and as numb as I might feel at times, as Ms. Hudson also says: "things are going to unfold they way they are going to unfold..." and I just have to trust myself and the tools I've been given along the way to become my best self...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Ahh Graduation has come and gone... Here are a few emails I wrote for people and mailed out...

Email the night after Grad:

So, today ended my journey at Springfield as an undergraduate student... It is by far, one of the most exciting times of my life.. The day held all I thought it would... Class as long and I could hardly sit still... But then 3:45 came, and I was out of there. :) I feel so weird about not working on homework. I've thought several times tonight once we got home how I should be working on homework... Then, it hit me, I don't have any homework to work on. And that felt pretty good! Below are a few pictures from graduation that I took, I will write more about tonight later, however, it's 1:13 a.m. and I had less than four hours of sleep last night... but I can't believe I am done.. really... It's weird...

Email after having more time to reflect on Graduation:

Ok guys here it is… Sorry to those who have been asking about graduation and I am just now getting back to you… I can no longer use the excuse of homework as to why there is delay in my reply to each of you. However, I have been ill and currently lacking a voice. So, I figured no better time than to update and answer all the emails at once… Graduation went very well. I had class the day of, but it turned out not to be so bad. The day was super long, and yet it went very quick. It was good to be in class, kept my mind from wondering and helped to keep my nerves down until I started getting dressed for graduation… However, I did find myself wondering the halls somewhat more than normal. But, it all worked out. We started lining up and doing class pictures at about 4:45, that was the longest 15 minutes of my life, I mean that 15 minutes was longer than the whole day in class. I wore my super cute open toe shoes, yes, the most uncomfortable shoes, but it’s all in the name of cute shoes. We walked in, I don’t remember hearing the music play, I was just focused on not letting my clumsiness get the best of me. (For those who have seen that side of me, you know what I mean.) Graduation was under way, and I remember thinking, “ok should I be feeling more than I do now?” I also remember thinking ok let’s just walk so I know if I wipe out in front of all these people, I didn’t. Thank goodness!!! The ceremony went well, not to long, just about the right amount of time. Once we all walked; we then did the moving of the tassel, and that for me, was probably the most exciting part of the whole ceremony. Then we walked out, and I did well. I didn’t cry the whole time…until… I hugged Ms. Hudson, and then it was a wave of emotions… Over all, graduation was great, I had a fabulous time, and don’t really feel any different. I guess that will come once I start working in the field. Or as I’ve heard once I get my diploma in the mail. To those wondering about Spain; I am not leaving until January. I am currently looking for an evening job so that money can go into savings, because I want to have a grand time there. I am not sure how long I will be there, I am looking at several months… I keep you posted on that as time and more details unfold. I believe that is all… Hope all is well, and having a nice week, and a lot better weather we are having with this hurricane! It’s the longest hurricane I’ve lived through… or well, I remember any ways. Stay dry, safe, and well.
Much love to all.
PS here are a few more pictures... some here are the Professional ones... Sorry if there are repeats.. I can't recall what I have or haven't sent over...You can see them all on my facebook account...